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Thank you for the support

February 21, 2013

As anyone reading this has already heard elsewhere, I’m being sued by a press for publishing a critical review on this blog. For many months, this was a private matter, but it has now gone viral. The outpouring of support reaffirming my right to a professional opinion has been copious and reassuring. Librarians, faculty, and publishers have all spoken out against this suits.

The story does not end with the support. It will continue until the lawsuits are resolved, which may take some time. At this point, however, I would like to express my profound gratitude to everyone who has spoken out on my behalf. There are far too many individuals to name, so I say a simple thank you to everyone. In particular, I’m grateful to those who have written articles, started petitions, gathered links, archived posts/comments, and done any number of other things to help spread awareness and document the results. To date, over 2,600 3400 people from around the globe have signed the petition.

Many organizations have also issued statements, including:

I’ve surely missed some, so apologies for that, and please feel free to send me corrections/additions. I’m humbled by this public support from a wide range of professional and academic organizations.

UPDATE Feb 25, 2012: added AAUP and ALA. Am also adding others as they appear. The list grows!

  1. Gerd Hacker permalink
    February 22, 2013 14:50

    Dear Dale,
    a really impressive list of academic and professional support of your case!
    Last, but not least you should add the president… not of the U.S. (not yet ;-), but of the American Library Association, Maureen Sullivan, to this list.
    Have a look at
    Das ist er, der erste Schritt zu Ewigkeit! I’m proud of you, boy!

  2. February 22, 2013 15:49

    Danke Gerd für den Hinweis. I hadn’t seen that announcement yet. How funny that you saw it in Germany before I did here. Ewigkeit? Please, not for this. Would rather make my mark elsewhere.

  3. February 22, 2013 18:15

    Dear Mr. Askey, all my best wishes as you proceed defending your suits! I don’t know if it will cheer you up, but I posted a blog entry about this at my law library blog:
    I do think the timing of the lawsuits is interesting, and may show forum shopping on Mellen’s part. May it assist your arguments!
    Betsy McKenzie, J.D., M.S.L.S.

  4. February 25, 2013 10:40

    Thanks, Betsy. Interesting read.

  5. April 12, 2013 13:50

    You have the support of The Alberta Library.

    Click to access Statement_of_support.pdf

    • April 12, 2013 15:26

      Thank you for the support and for letting me know. I’ve added this statement to the list.

  6. Gerd Hacker permalink
    May 20, 2013 12:54

    Auch die Schweizer Kollegen unter schließen sich der großen Unterstützerzahl an. In deutscher und französischer Sprache, hier der Link auf die französische Erklärung:
    Gruß Gerd


  1. The Edwin Mellen Effect

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